Tuesday 19 August 2014

Urban Environments - Year 2 GCSE

Urban Environments - Year 2 GCSE

Year 2 GCSE students will be studying Urban Environments after the half term. AQA have this to say in their syllabus:

The world is becoming increasingly urban - it is estimated that by 2020 over 70% of the world's population will live in urban areas. In developing countries large numbers of people are moving to core urban-industrial areas in the hope of improving their quality of life. This rapid urbanisation creates challenges for urban planners in relation to housing and the supply of basic services. In developed countries, many urban areas have gone through a period of economic decline; the challenge in these areas is often about improving socio-economic conditions and addressing environmental issues.
The global future will be an increasingly urban future and this will create a need to put in place sustainable methods of managing urban living in existing areas and designing new urban centres that operate in sympathy with both people and the environment.
The examiners at AQA divide the urban section of the syllabus into 4 key questions:

1. How can urban growth create challenges? 
-  Looking in particular at threats from pollution and the movement of traffic and people.
2. How are inequalities being reduced in urban areas in developed countries? 
- Analysing socio-economic data for trends and patterns, looking at initiatives to reduce inequality and studying examples of urban regeneration.
3. What are the opportunities and challenges created by urbanisation in developing countries?
- Exploring rural-urban migration, economic development, the problems created by rapid urban growth including in squatter settlements and schemes to improve conditions in urban area in the developing world.
4. How can urban living be increasingly sustainable?
- Considering what it means to manage urban areas sustainably and investigating examples of initiatives including carbon neutral housing, greening, recycling and sustainable planning.

If you'd like to do a bit of preparatory reading:

Past papers are here - the urban section will be in the Unit 1 exams

the BBC Bitesize for Urban Environments is here

and Coolgeography also have some Urban resources here

Looking forward to seeing you all back, refreshed, and raring to go!